

Tribal Operations


Tribal Administration

Tribal Administration


The accounting department administers the financial activities of the Tribe, including preparation of financial reports.

Elder Services

The Lac du Flambeau Aging and Disabilities services provides information, referrals, Elder activities, case management, nutrition, transportation, and benefits counseling to elders, veterans, and persons with long-term disabilities.
Elder Services

Emergency Assistance

Emergency Assistance

Employee Benefits Programs

This program provides the overall coordination of the employee benefit program being offered and available to eligible tribal employees. It is a point of contact for employees who meet eligibility criteria, and who possess a desire to enroll in the offered programs. We work with applicable Personnel Departments (i.e. the Tribe and Lake of the Torches Casino) to guarantee the benefit program is implemented in compliance with regulations and requirements.
Employee Benefits Programs


The Enrollment / Tribal Operations Department is responsible for processing Enrollment applications and presenting them to the Enrollment Committee for review. The staff also provides assistance to Tribal Members and other departments regarding the tribal enrollment status.

Staff members attend all Tribal Council meetings to record, transcribe and maintain Tribal Council meeting minutes and resolutions.

The department is responsible for assembling packets (from submitted material) to Tribal Council Members prior to meetings, as well as to Administration, the Tribal Attorney and the Tribal Accounting Department.

Facility Manager

Jason Graveen, Facility Manager
Facility Manager

Human Resources/Personnel

The Lac du Flambeau Tribal Personnel Department is responsible for the implementation and design of personnel and human resource strategies and programs. The Department staff provides advice and/or counseling to all managers as needed in regards to issues affecting their jobs, job performance, well-being and other human resource-related issues.
Human Resources/Personnel

Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems maintains and supports the tribe's computer infrastructure and telecommunications across 25 Buildings.
Management Information Systems

Planning and Development

Lac du Flambeau Tribal Planning and Development Office
Planning and Development





Tribal Courts

Tribal Courts

Tribal Historic Preservation Office

The Lac du Flambeau Tribal Historic Preservation Office was established for the purpose of protecting and regulating cultural and historical resources in Lac du Flambeau. The THPO is also responsible for training and educating the community on cultural, historical and archaeological topics. The program provides training and education in archaeological survey techniques and the site identification for tribal members, tribal staff and youth.
Tribal Historic Preservation Office

Tribal Inspector

Tribal Inspector

Tribal Law Enforcement

Tribal Law Enforcement

Veterans Services

Lac du Flambeau Veterans Services Program
Veterans Services

Other Departments

Other Departments

Connect with Us

Lac du Flambeau Tribe
P.O. Box 67
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538

418 Little Pines Rd
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538

(715) 588-3303


Copyright © 2025 Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians All rights reserved